Another Trump Supporter Gets Busted Voting for him Twice
Almost all cases of voter fraud in 2020 involved Trump supporters. How ironic and logical:
A Trump-supporting right wing woman was booked into Sumter County jail for “casting more than one ballot at any election.” According to Raw Story, she was released a few hours later after posting $2,000 bond.
The offense she is charged with is a third-degree felony in Florida, punishable. by up to five years in prison.
Halstead is a registered Republican in Florida as of June, 2020. And of course, she’s (apparently) a Trump supporter…

Here’s another one:
A woman who was charged with attempting to vote for Donald Trump twice last year has been sentenced to two years of probation and a $750 (£580) fine.
Terri Lynn Rote, who is 56 and lives in Des Moines, was arrested in October last year after going to an early voting site in Des Moines in Iowa to cast a second vote for Mr Trump in the US presidential election.
Then again can you really blame them since Donald Trump himself urged his brainwashed followers to vote for him twice:
“Who here has sent in their ballot?” Trump asked a crowd of more than 2,000 supporters at a rally in Greeley. The crowd replied with a roaring affirmative cheer.
Trump then asked, “When you send your ballot in, do you think it’s properly counted?” The crowd was quiet for a second before people realized that the correct answer was “No!”
“You can check on your ballot to make sure it’s counted properly,” Trump said. “You can go to [Greeley voting location] University Center and they’ll give you a ballot, a new ballot. They’ll void your old ballot and give you a new ballot. And you can go out and make sure it gets in,” Trump said.