Boebert Won’t be Punished for her Disgusting and Shocking Behavior
Republicans are fond of attacking lewd and obscene behavior from people they hate on the left or other groups. But when it’s one of their own they turn a blind eye. Engaging in obscene and sexual conduct, in public, should have led to a reprimand from her colleagues. But there isn’t a peep.
Lauren Boebert will not be held legally accountable for her conduct. And she will proably win re-election in 2024:
The fallout from Rep. Lauren Boebert’s humiliating ouster from a Denver theater after she aggravated fellow playgoers by vaping, dancing in her seat, taking flash pictures and engaging in mutual groping with her date may not be over.
According to a report from Newsweek, the normally attention-seeking Colorado Republican may have run afoul of a Colorado ordinance designed to clamp down on public lewdness that, if taken to the extreme, is punishable by fines and up to six months in prison — along with being classified as a sex offender.

At least someone has the decency to hold Boebert accountable. They showed more courage than the U.S. Congress:
Oh, btw, why was Boebert on a date with a Democrat, at that theater she got thrown out of? She divorced her husband after allegations surfaced that she was having an affair with another man. Not exactly Christian behavior:
The wife of one of Rep. Lauren Boebert’s former chefs at her Shooters Grill restaurant accused the congresswoman of leading her husband astray with lavish gifts, leading to the end of the couple’s marriage.
Jennifer Martinez, 50, claimed Boebert (R-Colo.) cozied up to her husband, Matt Archambault, after they met in 2013 at her now-closed restaurant in the small town of Rifle.
“[She] literally seduced my husband with money and gifts,” Martinez told the Daily Mail, claiming Boebert once bought the cook a cruise ticket and invited him to fly to a football game in Texas.
Martinez said the relationship escalated to the point where Archambault spent more time with Boebert’s family than his own, with the angry wife even finding the congresswoman’s driver’s license in her husband’s car and writing “Demonic whore/fake” and “Witch Jezebel” on it.