Poll: Trump Job Approval down to 29%
That’s actually the same as George W. Bush just before he left office.
In a new poll from the Pew Research Center, only 29% of Americans said they approve of how Trump is handling his job — the lowest of his tumultuous presidency and down 9 percentage points from August. Sixty-eight percent said they disapprove of his job performance.
Driving the decline, only 60% of Republicans and voters who lean Republican approve of Trump’s job performance, the poll found, a drop from 77% in August. Trump’s positive marks from Democrats — already near rock bottom — dropped one percentage point to 4% from 5%.
The public realizes the truth about the liar-in-chief :
And a clear majority, 52 percent, say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the violence and destruction that took place at the Capitol last week. Just 24 percent absolve him of responsibility for the riotous mob that ransacked the building and threatened the lives of members of Congress.
The Pew Research Center poll is in line with other surveys out this week that show Trump’s job rating in free fall. An ABC News-Washington Post poll pegged Trump’s approval rating at 38 percent. A Quinnipiac poll out this week found 33 percent approved, and Reuters found 35 percent liked the job Trump is doing.
All three of those polls registered a decline since their last survey.
Trump has never hit 50% in the polls in the last 4 years. That’s a record. He’s officially the worst: