Trump came within 44,000 votes of Winning the 2020 Presidential election

The MSM is fond of spewing the propaganda that Biden won a overwhelming victory in the recent election. It took 5 days to determine a winner. Trump lost the swing states Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona by a total of 44,000 votes, which is less than .3 percent of all votes cast. If he had won those states the electoral total would have been tied 269 to 269 (with 270 needed to win the election). At that point the election would have ended up in the House of Representatives. Trump would have won re-election:
…the election results were far closer than Biden’s nearly 6 million popular vote margin would suggest. The combined total vote margin for Biden in three critical states — Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin — amounted to only 44,000 votes. This is even fewer than the 77,000 that Trump won by in 2016 across Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that gave him the presidency. If Trump had in fact won those 44,000 votes (a tiny fraction of the 150 million cast), the Electoral College vote would have been a 269–269 tie, and the election would have been decided by the House of Representatives. As I have pointed out several times over the last six months, the state delegation-by-delegation vote in the House would have resulted in Trump being reelected.